Thank you for visiting my blog and website! I am so excited to be able to help others - it's my passion and joy to create personal relationships in which I can push my client to reach their goals and create positive life changes that puts them on track to live a healthier life.
In your journey to live a healthier, more fulfilled life, I want to share my health and wellness journey with you as well. I follow a Paleo template, in which I avoid all grains, legumes and most dairy and avoid sugar (though that's a bit of a challenge when you love chocolate as much as I do!). I chose to live my life this way because it helps me to feel better. I don't count calories, I don't track macronutrients, and I don't have to eat every two hours. And I'm still able to achieve my goals and maintain my weight.
I used to adhere to the USDA guidelines of eating "heart healthy whole grains," lean meats, dairy and fruits and vegetables. I was an athlete growing up and thought that this was working great for me. But I struggled with regular and debilitating stomach aches. Food didn't sound good - I didn't want to eat. I lost 15 pounds and became very thin, almost gaunt. I always turned to crackers and bread to try and "settle my stomach," but never got any better. After talking with one of my clients with Celiac's Disease, I decided to try going gluten free. I started feeling a little better. I then went dairy free, and still felt a little better but not 100%. After reading about the Paleo Diet, I decided to just give it a try because it wasn't much different from how I was eating. I took the last leap of eliminating the rest of the grains and beans I was eating and started feeling better.
I still struggle with some health issues. I get dizzy quite frequently and am battling exhaustion from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. I can't exercise as intensely as I would like, or as often as I would like. I've been Paleo for 3 years now, and my Paleo template has changed quite a bit over the last few years. I'm still refining and changing my lifestyle to improve my health. I will continue to share my struggles and successes with you, and am excited to hear yours as well.
In Health. God Bless.
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