Saturday, June 21, 2014

Conquer Your Fears - (and a workout)

It's been a while. It's been a long while.

I know I had promised more posts since I figured I would have more time with this new job, being back in the fitness industry and all. Yeah, I was wrong. Things got a little crazy.

But I'm back.

I love my job. I love helping people get strong and healthy. My clients are seeing measurable, real results. I am so proud of them.

This is a step in the direction of where I am supposed to be. I am supposed to be sharing love with others, helping them be the best version of themselves. I am helping people feel better about themselves, more confident, and more comfortable in their skin. It's an amazing feeling and I am so thankful for the people I have in my life. I've come into myself a little more, found a different confidence in the health industry (thank you manager! You know who you are!), and gained knowledge. I'm excited to continue learning, becoming better and having more information to share with my clients and readers.

I have learned something in this time of transition and change. We always hear that we are capable of more than we think we are. I am continually reminded of this. Despite being in a bit of limbo, with almost everything I own in storage and not really knowing what the next few months will bring, I can say that I am happy and content. I may have "down" moments, but I can truly say that I feel like this is where I belong. I took a chance coming here. And while there are times that I question that decision, where I wonder if it was the right move to take, I realize that with the happiness I feel, the knowledge and confidence I am gaining, and the companionship of my husband by my side (and living in the same zip code) is an immensely satisfying feeling to have.

I've heard from more than one person that the decision that scares you the most is probably the right decision.  If you pray, meditate, or deliberate on a big life decision, and God, or your gut or the universe tells you to take the plunge despite the fear you feel, you should do it. If you don't take a risk, make a scary choice, or experience unknowns every now and then you don't grow. It is really that simple. 

So what is it that you want? What are you afraid of doing? Is it going to make you happier? Is it going to precipitate positive change in your life? Go do it.

For some people, the scary change is getting healthy. Walking into a gym is scary. Changing your food habits can be scary. Starting exercise can be scary (especially without a knowledge base in fitness). Saying no to someone you love, or to your boss can be scary. Moving somewhere to be with someone you love can be scary. Starting a new job, opening a business, or quitting a job can be scary. I challenge you to stamp all over your fears, conquer them and make the change in your life. You are so worth it. You deserve to be happy.

What are you waiting for? Start your new life change with this workout. You'll be glad you did.

Conquer Your Fears - 25 minute, minimal equipment.

Set your timer for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. You'll do each exercise for 3 sets, then move on to the next exercise.

Equipment Needed:
-yoga mat, towel, or spare rug
-10-20 pound weight - this could be a kettlebell, a gallon jug full of water, a plastic bag full of sand, or dumbbells. If you don't have that much weight, use what you've got.  

Set your timer for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. You can get a free interval timer app, or set a recurring 30 second timer. You'll do each exercise for 3 sets, then move on to the next exercise.

Figure 8's with weight
Leg lifts
Pulse Squats with weight
Russian Twists
Figure 8's with weight
Pulse Squats with weight
Modified V-ups

Exercise Descriptions:

Figure 8's: Begin with a wide stance. Start with the weight in your right hand. Squat down, bringing weight between your legs (front to back) and grab the weight with your left hand behind your body. Stand up to reset your back, then in the same manner switch the weight back to the right hand. Be sure to keep your spine neutral, shoulder blades back and core tight.
Leg lifts: Laying on your mat (if needed) place your hands under your butt and straighten your legs toward the sky. Lift your butt off the ground, contracting you lower abs in the process.
Pulse Squats: Holding your weight at chest level, lower into a squat as far as is comfortable. Slightly bounce up and down - don't stand up completely. Again, maintain a neutral spine and keep your core tight.If your legs get so tired you can't do another pulse, stand up, take a deep breath, then go into a cycle of 3 pulses, 1 stand, repeat.
Burpees: Begin standing. Squat down, placing hands outside of feet. Jump feet back so you're in a push up position. Jump feet back into squat position, stand up, and jump. Repeat. Heart rate, baby.
Russian Twists: Begin seated with heels on the ground and legs bent. Sit up tall and lean back slightly until you feel your abs "turn on." Lift feet off the ground if you can, and then twist from side to side. Can be done with weight for additional challenge.
Modified V-ups: Begin seated with bent legs and heels on the ground. Lean back slightly and take feet off the ground. Then, lean back further as you extend your legs out without touching the ground. Return to start. Get ready to burn those abs into strength.

Have fun! I sure did. Remember to grab your water and towel (you'll need them). Grab your equipment and get to it!