Monday, April 28, 2014

Motivation Monday

I've had a crazy few weeks. I've been working different shifts (at a new and awesome job that I love!), trying to find a routine, trying to prepare my food in a different kitchen that I share with 3 other people. Translation: at the end of my 6 day work week, I don't know which way is up.
In the months leading up to this new job, I was faced with a lot of discouragement. I felt like I was never going to find a new job in Petaluma. I thought I was going to have to live separately from my husband for his entire school year - and maybe even after. I prayed and prayed, but honestly I was afraid that it simply wasn't in God's plan for me to make the move with a new job. (Thank goodness I was wrong. I just wasn't being patient enough.) With all of the stress and discouragement, I really lost sight of my own health and fitness goals. I wasn't caring for myself properly, wasn't eating enough food, and certainly was not following an exercise routine like I had in the past.
I ran across this quote and it really resonated with me. I don't know who said it, and I don't know who created this graphic, but I think it is a beautiful reminder to keep your chin up, keep up the hard work, and keep your goals in sight. 

Right now, you might want that entire sheet of cookies. Right now, you might want to give up because it's hard. Right now, you might think you can't do it. But don't lose sight of what you're fighting for. For some of you, it's weight loss. Others, it's school. And for others still, it's just those curve balls that life throws at us. Let this be a reminder to keep your eyes forward and don't look back. Don't give up on yourself. We will have times when we are down, bummed out, or overwhelmed. But please don't get discouraged. Don't give up on what you want the most to appease a temporary desire. You can do it. Really.  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Workout of the Day - Thursday Edition (And a Few New Things...)

Hey everyone!!

I'm back into the world of Health and Fitness! Woo Hoo!!

Just started a new training job and I am so THRILLED to be doing it again. This week has been crazy, but I plan on adding some fun new features to the blog.

Motivation Mondays:
Every Monday, check the blog (or my Facebook page) for a motivating thought to start the week. I may find these on pinterest, on the web, or share something that got me through the week.

Workout Wednesdays:
Get over the HUMP day with a new exercise or workout posted on the blog. If it is a workout, it will be less than 20 minutes with minimal equipment (I will add notes for equipment if you happen to have a gym membership). Exercises will be ones that I feel are important, fun or something new and exciting.

Foodie Fridays:
Wrap up your work week with a delicious recipe or food tip. I'll change it up, featuring different meals, different world cuisines, and some of my own recipes.

Without further ado.... Here's today's workout.

Bust Your Buns (4/17/14)

Time: about 20 mins
Equipment: None needed (additional weight optional depending on skill level)

Go through the circuit 4 times:

30 Alternating Lunges
25 Body Squats
20 Single Leg Squats (10 per leg)
15 Supergirl Squats
10 Donkey Kicks

Feel the burn!!

Exercise descriptions:

Supergirl Squat:
1. Begin with a narrow stance and arms overhead.
2. Drop butt into a squat with weight back in your heels. Be sure to keep your spine straight and supported by squeezing your abs tight.
3. As you straighten your legs to return to standing, lean your torso forward (arms remain overhead) and you extend one leg back behind you. Your goal is to be standing on one leg (almost straight) with your other leg, torso and arms all in line and parallel to the ground.
4. Return to start. Switch legs on each repetition.

Variations: Work your way to a parallel to floor torso by only extending your leg back slightly off the ground. As you feel stronger, you can lean forward more.

Donkey Kicks
1. Begin on hands and knees. Engage your core to support your spine.
2. Extend one leg behind you, squeeze your glut (that's your butt muscle!) and kick that leg up towards the ceiling. You want to keep your leg straight as you kick it up.
3. Return to start and repeat on opposite leg.

Keep your leg bent to lighten the load on your derriere.  (Easier)

Add weight via ankle weights or a hand weight held in the crook of your knee (knee must be bent for this alternative). (Harder)